
Haunted Soundscapes: Transcultural Perspectives on Music, Sound and Power in Turkey, Eds. Özgün und Woodruff, Routledge, forthcoming 2024

Jeremy Woodruff „Active methodologies for transcultural learning (including three approaches to makam transcription)“ in Turkish Makam Instruments and Voices in Contemporary Music, Eds. Bayley and Ellison Routledge, forthcoming 2024

Jeremy Woodruff (2023) Overview of the Gamaka Box Notation System,

Jeremy Woodruff (2020) „Composing Sociality: Toward an Aesthetics of Transition Design“ in the Bloomsbury Handbook of Sound Art, Eds. Holger Schulze and Sanne Krogh Groth

Jeremy Woodruff, “The Impact of Gamakas on Deep Structure in South Indian Music: An analysis of Several Versions of the Mohanam Varnam, Ninnu- kori”, Analytical Approaches to World Music (in review)

Jeremy Woodruff (2015) “The Gamaka Box: A Powerful System of Notation”, Sruti Magazine, India