Autor: admin

  • Selected references

    Arnie Cox (2016) Embodied Cognition: Listening, Moving, Feeling and Thinking, Indiana Univ. Press Nina Eidsheim (2019) The Race of Sound: Listening, Timbre, and Vocality in African American Music, Duke Univ. Press Budhaditya Chattopadyay (2022) Sound Practices in the Global South: Co-listening to Resounding Plurilogues, Palgrave Stefan Östersjö, Nguyễn Thanh Thủy, David G. Hebert, Henrik Frisk […]

  • Sonic Borderlines

    Metaphorical Cultural Perception and Cognitive Dissonance in Sound and Music The “Note”- Project with the former Ensemble Extrakte – EE (now Third Orchestra Berlin) February – April 2023 EE was awarded a grant from the deutsche Musikfonds to pursue the Note-Project with myself as Musical Director.  in EE Players come from multiple backgrounds and some […]