Selected references

Arnie Cox (2016) Embodied Cognition: Listening, Moving, Feeling and Thinking, Indiana Univ. Press

Nina Eidsheim (2019) The Race of Sound: Listening, Timbre, and Vocality in African American Music, Duke Univ. Press

Budhaditya Chattopadyay (2022) Sound Practices in the Global South: Co-listening to Resounding Plurilogues, Palgrave

Stefan Östersjö, Nguyễn Thanh Thủy, David G. Hebert, Henrik Frisk (2022) Shared Listenings: Methods for Transcultural Musicianship and Research,
Cambridge Univ. Press

Martin Blain and Helen Julia Minors (2020) Artistic Research in Performance through Collaboration, Palgrave

Mark Hijleh (2012) Towards a Global Music Theory, Practical Concepts and Methods for the Analysis of Music Across Human Cultures, Ashgate

Joshua Banks Mailman (2012) “Seven Metaphors for (Music) Listening: DRAMaTIC” Vol. 6 Journal of Sonic Studies

Christian Utz (2002) Neue Musik und Interkulturalität, Franz Steiner Verlag

Christian Grüny and Brandon Farnsworth Eds. (2024) New Music and Institutional Critique, Springer

Amanda Bayley and Michael Ellison Eds. (2024) Turkish Makam Instruments and Voices in Contemporary Music, Routledge

Michael Tenzer Ed. (2011) Analytical Studies in World Music, Oxford

Benjamin Brinner (1995) Knowing Music, Making Music: Javanese Gamelan and the Theory of Musical Competence and Interaction, Univ. of Chicago Press

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